Get Your Members to Join the Member Directory Posted on March 8, 2019March 6, 2019 by Justin at PoolDues If you haven’t read our blog about privacy issues and the Member Directory, head over to this blog article to check it out. It’s important that your members are aware of the privacy issues related to having their information in an online member directory, whether it’s a neighborhood pool or any other organization. With that said, you do want your members to add their info to the Pool Due Member Directory. It’s a great way to build community. It lets members find other people who share their interests or people who can provide services like babysitting or pet sitting. So how do you actually get people to join the Member Directory? Make sure people know how much the Member Directory can do for them! They can find a babysitter, a pet sitter, someone to play poker with, someone to play volleyball with, fellow members who are interested in action movies and video games, fellow members in the Women’s Club or Men’s Club, and even members who lost a pet that you just found. The Member Directory is searchable by dozens of categories, so the more people who realize how great it is, the more people you’ll have sign up. Send out an email blast at the beginning of the season (your Treasurer and Membership Director have everyone’s email addresses on their password-protected Admin Dashboard) asking people to join the Member Directory. Remind people at your social events (like your 4th of July party, your BBQ party, your Tween Night party) that they can connect with their fellow members in the Directory. The Logistics On the main menu, click on Member Directory under Social. Click on the link to enter your info. Enter as much or as little info as you want. The more info you enter, the more connections you can make with your neighbors!