Our App Now Supports Tennis Reservations Posted on March 12, 2019March 13, 2019 by Justin at PoolDues The newest update of the Pool Dues app now allows for tennis reservations directly in the app. Members can reserve a court directly from their phone, making it even easier to get court time for your club’s tennis players. Let’s look at the new functionality. Directly from the home screen of the Pool Dues app, members can toggle on for “Reserve a Court“. The app takes you directly to the reservation grid. You can use the scroll wheel to choose your day. Then click on the court you’d like to reserve and scroll down for the specific time slot you want. Once you’ve selected your date, your court, and your time slot, you will be prompted to choose your reservation type. Various reservation types are already included in the backend of your Pool Dues site, but your Tennis Director can add any reservation types appropriate for your club. Common types include K-Swiss, T2, USTA, coaching, team practice, and general play (i.e., non-league play). If your area has an area-only league (like ALTA in Atlanta), your Tennis Director can add that type of reservation on the Director Dashboard. Once you’ve chosen your date, court, time slot, and type of reservation, you’ll be prompted to choose the length of time for your reservation. Standard lengths of 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes are included in the backend of your Pool Dues reservation grid. Like everything else on a Pool Dues site, court reservation time is fully customizable. Your Tennis Director can set any length of time they want. After you’ve made all your selections, the app will ask you to confirm your choices and then bring you back to the reservation grid. In our example here, the Tennis Director has added a note giving the gate access code. This note only appears for members who have reserved a court, so the information stays privileged for members only. It’s that easy! So get a Pool Dues website and get your members using the tennis reservation grid now that the weather is warmer.